Knee Pain

Knee on Trac pic

Dr. Kyle has had extensive training as a certified chiropractic extremity practitioner for treating knee pain with chiropractic adjustments and the Knee On Trac system from Ergo-Flex Technologies.

Knee On Trac therapy is safe, simple and beneficial for many knee conditions, including arthritis, sprain/strain; meniscal, lateral collateral, medial collateral, ACL or PCL tears; post-surgical and post-replacement healing; and Bakers cysts.

Knee On Trac therapy is often combined with MLS Laser therapy to reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and promote quicker healing through releasing scar tissue and improving range of motion.


  • How has your knee pain affected your work, family, relationships, recreational activities and finances?
  • How much sleep has your pain robbed from you?
  • How often are you avoiding walking or exercising because of your pain, and how do you think this affects your overall health?
  • What is it worth to you if your condition could be improved?
  • How will your condition be in 5 years if you don’t take care of it now?
  • Are you willing to make some changes?

Knee Pain Webinar

Knee Program FAQs

Dr. Pankonin’s Guide to Knee Pain – Free Report

KOT Patient Testimonials