Common triggers that can wreak havoc on your thyroid

Did you know Hashimoto’s thyroiditis has some common yet mostly undiagnosed triggers? If you have Hashimoto’s or any autoimmune disorders for that matter, it is important to know what triggers it. Here is a list of potential triggers:

  1. Food sensitives, with the most common being gluten and dairy. In one study, 88% of those who went gluten-free and 79% of those who went dairy-free reported feeling better. It is important to do a Food Align test and celiac and gluten sensitivity blood spot test to see if you have any specific food triggers.
  2. Infections: many chronic infections can trigger an autoimmune disorder. The common are Epstein Barr virus, helicobacter pylori and yersinia. It is important to run an Epstein Barr titer if you have had mononucleosis in the past. We also run a comprehensive stool analysis to test for infections that commonly reside in the gut.
  3. Toxins: heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, mold and plastics are examples that can trigger autoimmune disorders. We can run specific tests to check for levels of all these toxins and more that may be present in elevated amounts in your body. We run tests like an EnviroTox Profile, MycoTox Profile and Hair Elements to check these levels.

Once a trigger is identified then we work to eliminate it. Once it is eliminated or decreased the thyroid has a chance to start healing. The key is to find and eradicate the trigger. In other words, to treat the cause.

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