Did you know hip pain can be treated successfully without pills, shots or surgery? In clinical practice we treat cases of osteoarthritis, bursitis and tendonitis that can all cause hip pain. The key in treating most of these conditions is to knock down inflammation. We do this with deep tissue robotic laser therapy.
This powerful therapy is safe, painless and effective for reducing pain and inflammation. The laser is also very effective in stimulating healing. This is important because in many instances it can help provide longer-term improvement.
In 2023 we saw a 91% success rate for all conditions treated with laser therapy. Nothing on the planet works 100% of the time, but 91% is an awful lot of success. This is why we talk about laser a lot. It is a game changer for treating pain.
We are the only clinic in our area with this kind of technology. If you are living with hip pain or just about any other kind of pain, consider trying a course of laser therapy. It could be the answer you are looking for. We do six sessions for acute conditions, which is a condition that has been present for less than three months. We do 12 sessions for most cases of chronic pain, which is a condition that has been present for three months or more.
Contact us today to learn more about our laser therapy and to schedule an appointment.