Entering Insurance Policies into ChiroTouch

  1. In the Front Desk app, click on Patient Management; search by last name; click on Patient Information.
  2. Check demographic information; make sure Kyle is selected in the box 31 billing prov. drop down menu. In the Condition tab, make sure Use Appointment Provider’s Facility Address is checked under Facility Address. Select the best Fee Schedule and Case Type.
  3. In the Insurance section, click Add; select insurance company. In the Policy Information tab, Box 1: most often this will be Other, but you need to change it to Medicare, Medicaid, Auto or Work Comp if applicable. Box 1A: enter policy number (for VACCN referrals, enter policy number as SSN 000-00-0000 with patient’s full SSN). Box 23: for VACCN referrals, enter authorization number. Set copay/deductible information and effective date. If applicable, set current authorization dates/visits. Be sure to check Electronic Claims and EDI if claims will be electronically billed. Under 2024 Annual Limits, set visit/amount limits and reset date of 01/01/next calendar year. This will reset the deductible info.
  4. In the Insured/Other Insured’s Information tab, click Copy Patient’s Info (this is why you want to make sure the demographics are updated first). Box 11: enter group number.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for any secondary, etc., policies.

Updated 7-31-2024

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