Discover the Healing Power of Decompression Therapy at Red Rock Chiropractic Center in Southwest Minnesota
Are you struggling with chronic back pain, herniated discs or sciatica? These debilitating conditions can severely impact your quality of life, making even the simplest activities a challenge. At Red Rock Chiropractic Center in Lamberton, Minnesota, we understand the urgency of finding an effective solution. That is why we offer decompression therapy, a non-invasive treatment method that provides significant relief. Administered by our experienced Dr. Kyle Pankonin, our chronic spine pain program involves spinal decompression and deep tissue robotic laser therapy to alleviate pressure on the spine and stimulate healing. Don't let chronic pain dictate your life. Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

Have you exhausted other treatment options without finding lasting relief, leading to a sense of despair and frustration?
Ongoing chronic pain is not just physically draining but mentally exhausting as well. It can affect your sleep, mood and overall quality of life. Conditions like bulging or herniated discs, degenerated discs, failed low back surgical syndrome, chronic facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, chronic neck and back pain, pinched nerves and sciatica are particularly debilitating. You may have tried various treatments, including medications and surgeries, without significant improvement. This leads to a cycle of hope and disappointment that can be emotionally taxing.

Our clients vouch for us

My neck and back pain was really keeping me from doing the stuff I enjoy doing, and have to do. Now I'm back to doing the work I have to do. I'm back to riding my horses again and not have so much pain. It's helped a lot. I would recommend decompression therapy for those with back and neck pain.
Frequently Asked Questions About Decompression Therapy

According to published research, patients with a chronic (long-term) condition will need 24 visits to achieve long-term physiological changes.
According to a recently published research study by Dr. Timothy Burkhart of Hill DT Solutions, a person with chronic back or neck pain has a 91% chance of achieving full or very significant pain relief. Many patients are able to avoid surgery.
All components are essential as each works together in the healing process to achieve the best possible result. It is important not to pick and choose, but do them all.
- Decompression
- Chiropractic adjustments
- MLS laser therapy
- Rehab
- Postural support
- Nutritional supplementation
When combined, this comprehensive care package all works together to produce the best outcome.
According to published research, more than 50% of patients were able to maintain a pain-free or near pain-free status for up to four years after treatment had ended.
In short, no. Decompression therapy creates true decompression in the spine, meaning it reduces pressure in the disc to a negative amount. Traditional traction or inversion therapy does provide stretching of the spine — which can be beneficial — but does not reduce pressure enough in the disc to achieve a negative amount. In a head-to-head study, decompression therapy rendered good to excellent relief in 86% of patients with herniated discs and 75% of patients with facet syndrome. Traction therapy yielded no excellent results in patients with herniated discs and only 50% of patients with facet syndrome rendered good to excellent results.
Degenerated discs, herniated discs, bulging discs, facet syndrome, failed spine surgery, or failure to respond to traditional chiropractic, physical therapy, steroid injections or pain medication.
Many chiropractors and physical therapists are not comfortable treating complex spine pain cases. And most in our area do not have the same extra training or certifications as Dr. Kyle. Decompression therapy is a specialized technique for treating these cases. The decompression therapy table is an expensive piece of equipment which may deter some clinicians from purchasing one.
Some aspects of your chiropractic care may be covered by insurance such as chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic services and rehab exercises. Postural supports, supplements, MLS laser and decompression therapy are not covered by insurance. Decompression is a relatively new technology and insurance takes a while to cover some new treatment options. Also, decompression therapy has been proven effective and works so well that if insurance covered it almost everyone with neck or back pain would give it a try. This would not be profitable for insurance companies.
Take control of your health today!
Schedule your initial consultation with our experienced team now and start your journey towards a pain-free life.