Did you know we have two favorite functional medicine tests? Our all-time favorite is the Food Align test. It is a food sensitivity test that is so easy to do. All it requires is a simple prick of the finger and a few drops of blood. The blood is put on test strips and once dry is sent to a lab where they can test up to 240 different foods.
These foods can include meat, grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sugar, coffee, dairy, gluten, and spices. It will show which foods cause a person no reaction, moderate reaction or high reaction. Once the test results are in, we review them with the patient and counsel them on which foods should be reduced or eliminated from their diet.
You should consider a Food Align test if you have digestive issues, skin issues, thyroid issues, any autoimmune disorder, migraine headaches, chronic sinus or chronic cough. We have seen numerous patients over the years who do this testing and have real breakthroughs with their health just by identifying problematic foods and cutting those out of their diet.
This testing takes the guess work out of the diet and allows it to be customized to the individual. Certain foods can be a poison to the system, but food can also be the best medicine. The Food Align test helps you get the wrong foods out and helps determine which ones agree with your body. It can be a real game changer.