Updating Vitamin Prices in ChiroTouch

  1. Compare prices on Emerson website and Vitamin Price List Google Sheet and then update changes in ChiroTouch Maintenance App. Do this monthly.
  2. Open www.emersonecologics.com website and login.
  3. Open Vitamin Price List Google Sheet from Kari.
  4. Search the Emerson Vitamins on the website. Update “change if necessary” price on the Google Sheet if increase. Change the price in the Round up to nearest $ column.
  5. Update changes in ChiroTouch Maintenance App using the price in the last column.
  6. Open ChiroTouch Maintenance App, click on Charges, type partial name of product in the search bar, change the price (using the price in the last column of the Vitamin Price List Google Sheet), click on another price, click on the top of both columns in the pop-up, click OK.
  7. Kari will let us know of any price changes from other companies.
  8. Update Kiki of any vitamin price changes related to program patient pricing.

Updated 8-1-2024

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