4 Tests to Find IBS Cause

Did you know finding the root cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is possible? Last newsletter we talked about what commonly causes IBS. This round we’ll briefly touch on the best tests to figure out the specific cause. There are 3-4 tests we often use in clinical practice.

  1. GI 360 Profile is used to see if intestinal dysbiosis is present. Dysbiosis is an imbalance between the friendly bacteria and bad bacteria in the gut. This test shows if an imbalance is present. It also tests for parasites, yeast overgrowth, inflammation and immune function.
  2. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is the root cause for about 70% of patients with IBS. This test will show if that is the case for you or not.
  3. Food Safe 190 Test will identify any specific foods that may be causing immune reactions and upsetting the digestive tract.
  4. Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Blood Spot identifies if gluten is causing the problem.

With these tests the average person with IBS will find the root cause. We can then proceed with correcting the root cause to improve your health. This is the beauty of functional medicine.   

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