3B Exam

  1. Adding exam: Log in to admin.3bexam.com; on the left side menu click Exam; Add Exam. If using the prefill option, select Send Link; enter patient’s information; click Add Exam & Send Link. If you are adding the exam and the patient will be completing the intake portion at a future date, select Quick Add; enter patient’s information; click Add Exam. If you are adding the exam and the patient will be completing the intake portion right now, select Go To Intake; enter patient’s information; click Start Intake.
  2. Printing cards: on the left side menu click Exam; Search Exams; enter patient’s last name and search; in the search results, click on the little paper icon (when you hover it says Go To Exam); click on the Documents tab; find what you want to print (card only, exam and card, etc.); click on the magnifying glass (when you hover it says View Document); open the downloaded PDF and print.

Updated 7-31-2024

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